Filtermist employs a team of dedicated Service Engineers who travel all over the UK carrying out routine and reactive servicing, maintenance and testing on LEV extraction systems used to remove oil mist, dust, fume, and other airborne contaminants from the air in a wide variety of production premises.

Filtermist’s Resource and Planning Manager, Katy Austin, has drafted a short article on how Filtermist ensures its Service Engineers are competent to undertake servicing and maintenance on LEV systems, as per COSHH requirements….
“All employers have a legal duty to ensure their employees are protected from exposure to potentially harmful airborne particles under COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2002. Part of this is ensuring that any engineering controls, for example LEV systems, are fit for purpose and regularly maintained, and thoroughly examined and tested by a competent person.
“The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website states: Competence can be described as the combination of training, skills, experience and knowledge that a person has and their ability to apply them to perform a task safely. Other factors, such as attitude and physical ability, can also affect someone's competence.
“Filtermist takes competency very seriously. Whenever possible we employ experienced Engineers, and we ensure that each and every Engineer undertakes a rigorous basic training programme as part of their onboarding. In addition to P600 and P601 qualifications, this includes training on:
- Ladder Safety
- Abrasive Wheels
- Asbestos Awareness
- Confined Space Training
- Electrical Awareness including LOTO procedure
- PASMA License
- Harness, lanyard and working at height training
- IPAF 3a, 3b
- Manual Handling
- Safety Passport or Equivalent
- First Aid at Work
“All new Engineers initially shadow an experienced Engineer and Team Lead. Our Service Team Lead trains, reviews and supports the Engineer until they are deemed competent to service. The individual is then signed off to go out on their own with regular 1:1 reviews and periodic site competence checks completed for the entirety of their employment.
“We also provide regular additional internal training on products/services and hold weekly Engineering meetings where we complete Toolbox Talks and regular reviews of processes etc for continuous improvement.
“This approach is all part of our focus on delivering the best service possible for our customers. We operate under documented procedures which include producing Risk Assessments and Method Statements for all jobs, so our customers can be confident that our Engineers are working safely. Our health and safety practices are approved by Safe Contractor, and Filtermist is certified to both ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015.
“As a UK manufacturer ourselves, we understand how important it is to work with quality suppliers that we can rely on – especially where health and safety is concerned.”
Please contact our team by calling 01952 290500 or emailing if you would like to find out more about our comprehensive Aftermarket Support Services.