As people that live and breathe (no pun intended!) Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) testing, Filtermist’s dedicated LEV engineers are still sometimes surprised by the varying levels of competency they encounter when talking to customers about their experiences of LEV testing.

Anyone responsible for ensuring workplace air is safe already knows that all LEV systems are subject to a number of legal requirements.
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 Regulation 9 states that in addition to testing by a competent person at least once every 14 months, ‘every employer shall keep a suitable record of the examinations and tests…and of repairs carried out as a result of those examinations and tests, and that record or a suitable summary thereof shall be kept available for at least 5 years from the date on which it was made.’
Filtermist’s Divisional Sales Director (Aftersales), Carl Latham, elaborates, “The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommends including a wide range of information in LEV test reports to ensure an accurate record of both the LEV system and the examination results.
“It seems like common sense to experienced LEV engineers to include as many details as possible, but we still hear from customers who have been given a one-page summary sheet as the outcome of an LEV test. This is all very well until there is a problem and it proves difficult to back-track and cross-reference with previous test results.”
Filtermist has carried out LEV tests for some customers who have already had equipment tested, but felt the service was not as stringent as it might have been. Carl continues, “Some employers double-up on their LEV testing to ensure their systems are working properly. They may receive the service as part of their business cover through their insurer, but still pay for a third party to carry out additional tests for their own peace of mind.”
All LEV Test Reports compiled by Filtermist include the following information:
- Initial risk assessment
- Safety policy
- Method statement
- Customer name and date examination took place
- Reference number for system that the report relates to
- Substance / process being controlled
- A photo of the LEV system and product reference
- Details of the systems intended performance
- Test point details
- Quantitative assessment readings and details of any repairs required
- Statement of competency for the Test Engineer
- Report observations and recommendations for improvement
Filtermist produces its comprehensive LEV Test Reports using a digital system. As well as meaning test results can be sent straight to the customer as soon as the report is finalised, digital LEV Test reports make it easy to retrieve the necessary documentation in the eventuality of a request from HSE.
“LEV Test Reports play a vital role in ensuring the control measures taken by an employer are working as intended and safeguarding employees from potential exposure to substances hazardous to health,” Carl comments.
Whilst Filtermist’s background is in effective oil mist removal, it also has extensive experience in dust, fume and smoke extraction and its dedicated LEV team provides COSHH compliant LEV testing for all makes and models of LEV systems.
Email or call 01952 290500 to book COSHH compliant LEV Testing from Filtermist’s P601 accredited engineers.
Useful resources
Download this HSE guide ‘Clearing the air - A simple guide to buying and using local exhaust ventilation (LEV)’ for a plain English explanation of what employers need to do to ensure compliance with CoSHH regulations, or follow the link below to read CoSHH regulation 9 in full: